Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Contaminating or Fascinating?

Everything is energy.
I am currently revisiting The L Word episodes – amazing show, I miss it much. A portrayal of raw human emotion: romantic, dramatic, transparent, and even simply sexual relationships. I am kept intrigued even on reruns. The episode I watched today included a beautiful deaf woman in a lesbian relationship who explained that sex with a deaf partner is amazing because they are attuned to one another on a different level.
This reminds me that our other senses are heightened when one fails or is subdued. I very much believe we all have a “sixth sense” and I’m not talking eerie ghost-sightings kind of sixth sense. Others may call it intuition. I know it as the feeling I get when someone makes me uncomfortable without speaking a word or when I say someone or some place has “bad energy.” On the other end, it’s the warm, comfortable, and confident feeling I get when I meet a soul-friend. I believe we all have the ability to tune into one another but sometimes our other senses need to be dimmed to be able to tap into that ability. It is easy to be distracted by words, scents, sights, tastes, and touches.

In a night club, for example, I can’t always hold an audible conversation so I become attuned to body language. Over the phone, I have no body language cues to rely on so I listen to subtle changes in tone. I wonder: what if I lost my senses? What if I lived without sight, the ability to hear, or ability to touch? How would I communicate with another? What would I feel? I wonder why loss always reminds us to appreciate what we have and why we can’t just be aware and thankful presently.

Everything is energy.
I read about a woman recently who, paralyzed in a hospital bed, could not speak or express what she was feeling. Coming out of the paralysis she recalled that every person who entered her room carried a specific type of energy. Some people were cold and distracted while others were warm and loving. This affected her greatly. Her experience brings me to the realization that I have to be persistently conscious of the energy I emanate, the energy I bring into another’s home, into another’s life. In the same way I would not disrespect someone with my words or body language, I must be cautious of disrespect through energy. I must also be cautious of those who remain ignorant, flailing their bad energy around, contaminating instead of fascinating.
I wonder how many of us actually assume this responsibility.
I know awareness is key. and action is the lively child born of awareness.

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