Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Raver's Strobe Light

I know one thing for certain:
My purpose in life is to receive and emit Divine light and love; from a centered core to extend a helping hand.
Love is unconditional, all-encompassing, accepting, forgiving, and renewed each morning in the same way the sun shines for you no matter what you’ve done in the cover of nightfall, in the same way the ocean waves crash to greet you, to clean you, to touch and be with you, regardless of the filth you may reveal. In the same way the moon lights up your darkness, that is love. I am here to be light in the dark, to act as the moon does. Sometimes it is but a sliver, sometimes it shies away behind the clouds and other times, it is so present, wolves howl out to it, moods are changed and tides get higher. My light is not a flickering flame in a lantern and it is not anything predictable or detained. Perhaps it reflects each color of the rainbow or maybe it is a raver’s strobe light meant to keep you guessing, intrigued, and alert. Everything is interpretation. Things I thought I was sure of evade me, not wanting to be defined and that’s okay. 
The only consistent thing in life is change - unyielding fluctuation. It’s not about mutable circumstances, people, or all those damn fleeting feelings. It’s about the way we react to all the beauty and the bullshit. We can’t please everyone. There are always people judging you, engorged on lust and egocentricity, atop an imaginary pedestal, created by their own deceiving minds. A game? Okay, I’ll play and only with no rules. I let others live in their illusions while I seductively attempt to coax them out. I attract attention and may as well make it fruitful. There is no reward in playing for keeps yet there is much satisfaction in a game played fairly.
I seek to see your soul, the underlying motives that provoke your words and actions. I am curious, endlessly curious. I want to know more. About everything and everyone, it all stems back to one. What I understand is there are no absolutes, only perceptions, judgments, and interpretations. There are only different colored, different shaped lenses we all look at each other through.
But I see you. Little mirrors everywhere. Lady Gaga called her fans little mirrors in a big disco ball. While I may not agree with that flesh-wearing, eccentric, and beautiful woman at all times, I could never deny truth imparted.   
Beauty, so much beauty everywhere. My big brown eyes are open and searching.

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